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28/04/2023 News

Technological Risks Management: At Totalenergies, Every Detail Counts

Controlling risks inherent to our operations and processes is vital to prevent accidents to people, the environment and property. This year, we are taking the opportunity of World Day for Safety, which is celebrated throughout the Company, to talk about technological risk.

Major industrial accidents are rare. But the hazard is present every day, and technological risks are inherent to the Company’s activities.

Our facilities and the substances we transport can trigger accidents with serious consequences. Every detail counts, and the failure of any of our protective barriers can lead to an accident.

For many years, TotalEnergies has applied a policy of risk management across all activities.

In the words of our colleagues:

  • "We must reduce the probability of an accident as much as possible. That means understanding hazardous phenomena, their initial causes and what they can lead to."

                 Michel Gay OLEUM trainer, Refining & Chemicals

  • "In my view, good management of technological risks involves implementing a virtuous circle: identify, assess, install safety barriers and maintain them. Each time something changes in our operations, we go back to the beginning – identify, etc. – in a spirit of continuous improvement."

                   Aurélie Herruel Network HSEQ Manager, TotalEnergies Marketing France, Marketing & Services


  • "At TotalEnergies, safety is everyone’s business. That means complying with rules and procedures, apply them very carefully and improving them whenever we can."

                 Johan Lassus-Pigat Multi-Skilled Technician, Bio-Béarn biogas production site, Gas, Renewables & Power


  • "I’m a member of my site’s commission on health, safety and working conditions (CSSCT), and that makes me particularly sensitive to safety issues, both for myself and for my colleagues. Good management of technological risks starts with complying with operating procedures, as well as anticipating risks with effective analyses."

                Romain Colliat Technican, Solaize Research Center (CRES), R&D Fuels &Lubricants, OneTech

  • "My job is to identify and manage the technological risks inherent in the site’s activities. I conduct assessments on existing and new facilities, ensuring that with each technical or organizational change, the effectiveness of our existing risk barriers is not impacted."

               Creshaundra Peterson Carville Plant, US, Refining & Chemicals

Safety for me, for you, for all!

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